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Special Rides and Tours
Registration Info
Registration is closed
it is required that each participant wear an approved hemet at all times while bicycling during NEOC
About this event
North East Ohio (Cookie) Century 48th edition is cycling at its best. The ride starts at the Trumbull Country Fairgrounds Banquet Center, 899 Everett Hull Rd. Cortland. (Bazetta Township) Ohio. The Banquet Center is north of Warren and west of Mosquito Lake. Five dollars of each registration will be donated to the Western Reserve Greenway bike trail.
Routes: It's entirely up to you-- go long or not! Choose from six loops for a 25..50..62..75..100..100+ mile ride of mostly flat terrain beautiful Trumbull County. New rider? Our 25 mile Greenway Path Loop avoids most traffic!
Registration: Opens at 7:00 AM to accommodate the longer rides...and will be available until 11:00 AM for those who want to follow a shorter route. Regardless, all rides will enjoy snacks and lunch! Showers are available. online and skip the lines..
Fun and Prizes: All registered riders will get free tickets for prize giveaways!
SAG: SAG support available through 4:00 PM for mechanical breakdowns and other assistance.
Questions? Contract Debbie Miglets 330-360-0830
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